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Northern NSW Inland Port Prospectus launched in Narrabri

Deputy Premier Mr John Barilaro and Narrabri Shire Mayor Cathy Redding

Image: Deputy Premier Mr John Barilaro and Narrabri Shire Mayor Cathy Redding

On Friday, 6 September Narrabri Shire Council officially launched the Industrial and Logistics hub prospectus at The Crossing Theatre, Narrabri. Deputy Premier Mr John Barilaro officially announced the hub development as – Northern NSW Inland Port in front of numerous Federal and State Government officials, representatives from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities & Regional Development, ARTC, several influential members of freight and logistics industries as well as representatives from a diverse range of local industrial businesses.

The Northern NSW Inland Port will be located on a 240ha site, 7km from Narrabri, with connectivity to the proposed Inland Rail network which will provide additional accessibility to almost all major ports across Australia.

The launch of the Northern NSW Inland Port prospectus is a significant step in activating the Narrabri Region and has the potential to attract new business and industry while diversifying the regional economy in a key strategic location.

Council has been proactive in developing a business case and masterplan to accommodate the Northern NSW Inland Port and has had several investors from a diverse range of industries, interested in establishing or relocating their businesses to the Northern NSW Inland Port.

Mayor Cathy Redding was excited to present the prospectus and the opportunities it signifies commenting that an estimated 1,000 jobs could stem from the development.

Mayor Redding said, “Council have listened to the community and are delivering upon our core economic development strategy of diversification which aligns with several of the State Government priorities for regional NSW including; improving freight networks, providing attractive environments for businesses and creating vibrant places to live and work.”

“It truly is an exciting time for our Shire, with the launch of the prospectus for the Northern NSW Inland Port. It is the beginning of the activation of the Northern NSW region that is set to provide endless opportunities and we are proud to lead the way in discovering the potential for our community and our region.”

The Northern NSW Inland Port is the culmination of many years of work by the Council.

Council’s General Manager, Mr Stewart Todd stated, “The Inland Port has stemmed from many many hours of dedicated and diligent work by a very talented team at Narrabri Shire Council.”

“I am sure I speak for all Council staff involved in this project that it is great to now see the fruits of our labour and we can now share it with the broader region.”

“This is a generation changing project being driven by Council in partnership with the State Government for the benefit of generations to come, a new and very exciting era is dawning for Narrabri Shire.” Mr Todd concluded.

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