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Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal

Image: Northern NSW Inland Port (N2IP) precinct

Council have endorsed the planning proposal to amend the provisions of the Narrabri Local Environment Plan 2012 (LEP) to facilitate the development of the Northern NSW Inland Port (N2IP) precinct. The proposal outlines changes to rezone the N2IP land to part; SP1 special activities, SP2 infrastructure, and E3 environmental management.

The proposed rezoning changes do not affect the current land use on surrounding properties.

Council has forwarded the planning proposal to the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) to assess. The gateway determination will provide Council the conditions to which the proposal can be further progressed and under what conditions.

Mandatory consultation requirements for Council will be advised as part of the DPIE’s gateway determination which Council has now sought.

Nonetheless, Council has proactively consulted with 45 adjacent landowners, the consultation has included a series of 6 separate letters since January 2020 advising of the progress of the drafting of the planning proposal for the rezoning of the N2IP land. And further, Council staff have also met with over 75% of interested stakeholders in one on one meetings.

Council will continue to engage extensively with adjoining landowners and the community on the planning proposal and development of N2IP.
